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Leveraging Time Management to Overcome Self-Doubt

Self-doubt can be confusing as it is not always constant. I personally have struggled with wavering self-doubt my whole life. Going from feeling “I can do anything,” to “I’m no good at this,  I should just quit.” And most of the time, the slip from confident highs to emotional lows usually happens just when I am about to succeed at something. I originally thought something was wrong with me. But, after to talking to many clients, colleagues and friends I realized that many people have a similar issue.

Because the nature of self-doubt is that it is not always constant, leveraging the following time-management strategies will help you avoid and overcome the self-doubt that is otherwise a barrier to your success.

Meditate for 15 minutes

If you still don’t feel ready to embark on a task, then slow down to start. I know that sound counter-intuitive, but much research has shown that calming the mind can lead to increased creativity, clarity, productivity and can be a key to changing behaviors. Time Magazine even put out a special edition issue on the topic, Mindfulness: The New Science of Health and Happiness.

So find yourself a mindfulness meditation at your app store. Download it on your phone and have a set of earphone so you can use it where ever you are.  When you need to slow down your mind and that negative chatter in your head.

Set a timer for 30 minutes

I truly believe, and my clients have validated my belief, that you can do anything for 30 minutes. People tend to look at the enormity of a task or goal and are overwhelmed by the size or fear of it. So I ask my clients to start by setting a timer for 30 minutes. Then commit to focusing on that task for only 30 minutes at a time.

If this is a project that is longer than 30 minutes I recommend that the first thing they do a mind dump.  Start with mapping out the steps of the project that need to be completed.  Create a plan for at least the next 3 steps. You don’t have to have all the steps of a project laid out to start. As you work on the project completing those 3, the other will come to light.  Have a place to write them down as they come to you. I like using Todoist for this.

After those 30 minutes, I ask them to feel successful or satisfied with their accomplishment even if the whole task is not complete.  Then if you feel like you want to keep going.  Set the timer for another 30 minutes and focus on that task again.

Or, you can then chose to have a small reward. Get up and make a cup of tea or coffee. Have a bite of chocolate or get up to walk around and stretch. Do not give yourself the reward of jumping on social media. This is a rabbit hole of time wasting that few can resist. Plus, comparing your current self-doubting self to those out there “doing it” can really set you back and off your focus.

Most of the time taking action on the thing you doubt yourself on is enough to break free.  Action creates some positive momentum on that difficult task or project.

Use your calendar to use your high energy times wisely

Normally, most people have a higher energy level in the morning before interruptions, crisis and numerous demand have taken up their energy. I ask my clients to protect this time by booking time in their calendars with themselves to work on their most difficult tasks. And, usually, the tasks you doubt yourself on most will fit into that category.

Leveraging time management tools is a key strategy for people who struggle with self-doubt. This blog post is part of a series about overcoming self-doubt.  If you would like the complete list of 10 strategies along with some of the reasons “why” it can be challenging to overcome self-doubt then download the complete article called “Overcoming Self-Doubt: When the 5-Second Rule Doesn’t Work for You” on my Resources/Tools page

I would love to hear your feedback if you tried any of the above strategies.  If you found this article helpful I would appreciate if you “like” it on the social media site you found it on.

Sometimes even the strongest person needs support to move forward on something they don’t feel confident about. And for those of you that suffer from overwhelming self-doubt, know my clients started out feeling that way too.  But by working with me and practiced these strategies (and others created just for their situation) they overcame their doubt.  If self-doubt is stopping you from reaching your business or personal goals then email me at  for a complimentary clarity session.

Want to know more about the complimentary clarity session first and/or book your appointment online then go to