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So have you tried the 5-Second Rule of taking action within 5 seconds of getting the idea for that action being touted by Mel Robbins as a cure-all to all self-doubt?.  Did it work for you?  Good if it did.  But for me and most of my clients who are working on larger projects with many pieces and places for doubt, it just isn’t enough.

Building a self-confidence muscle is like going to the gym. You build the muscle to overcome self-doubt by repeating the steps over and over. If you can get yourself to take action, you will start to feel a feeling of competence which is a big part of feeling confident. I have created 10 strategies that I use with my clients to help them overcome self-doubt. Think of these strategies creating a circle or better yet a spiral which you travel to take you higher towards your feeling of confidence and success.

I highly suggest that you start with the 3 strategies below, in the order listed,  to start building your self-confidence muscle.

1) Determine if you actually have doubt, or do you lack the information or skill set to complete the task. I have dealt with many professional that thought they should know everything and needed to accept that they needed to get help with what they were struggling with. Examples include:

  • a CPA client was not completing complex files as he didn’t have complex tax knowledge the file required.
  • a lawyer client was not closing sales as he didn’t have enough information on how his behavior during a sales meeting was affecting the potential client.
  • an entrepreneur client that needs clients but is struggling without a concrete marketing strategy as she has no experience in this area as she was an employee prior to this.

2) Accept that you are having self-doubt and reframe it. So, if you have the skills or the information to complete the task but still can’t move forward then a fear of some kind is stopping you. Most often the fear is judgment or rejection by others. First, acknowledge and accept that you are having self-doubt. This may sound simple but it is a key first step. Call a spade a spade. And accept the fact you are stuck because of some irrational fear.

In speaking with Michael Hyatt, a productivity guru and leadership expert recently, I asked this question in one of his coaching groups: “What are your tips on overcoming self-doubt when it raises its head? Sometimes it feels like an irrational fear.” His reply was, “That’s because it is.” He went on to talk about how he has spoken to thousands of people but an upcoming speech to a large audience has him doubting himself. His mind was whispering “Do you really have something to say?” ”Do you really think you are going to stand up on stage and these people are really going to listen to you?” He said that he sees his fear as not just normal, but as helpful. It drives him to prepare. He used to get anxiety before speaking, but now reframes it as, “Anxiety is how my body prepares for peak performance.” He said that his coach, Dan Sullivan, said, “When you’re not confident, courage will do.” It is courage to act despite your fears.

So that is where I start with clients, getting them to accept where they are, ask what they are resisting, love what is and then act — despite their fears.

3) Get some rest, and I mean some real rest. If you are tired or physically ill then this is not the time to leap the hurdle of self-doubt around an issue you have been struggling with. You won’t be thinking clearly and tend to allow more negative emotion stop you when you are tired. And if you are struggling with being tired all the time and accept that this is normal (except if you’re a new parent), it’s not. And you need a real plan to take care of yourself. So stop and create a plan to get more rest and if you’re someone obsessed with productivity, see it as “an action” towards a more productive tomorrow or next week.

Watch next week’s blog post for the next strategy that deals with dropping perfection. Or if you would like the complete list of 10 strategies along with some of the reasons why it can be challenging to overcome self-doubt then download the complete article called “Overcoming Self-Doubt: When the 5-Second Rule Doesn’t Work for You” on my Resources/Tools page

I would love to hear your comments on:

Have you struggled with self-doubt and what did you find worked for you?
Have you tried the 5-second rule?  When did it work? When did it not work?
What are your thoughts on the 3 strategies I outlined above?

Sometimes even the strongest person needs support to move forward on something they don’t feel confident on. And for those of you that suffer from more overwhelming self-doubt, know that many of my clients started out feeling that way too until they worked with me and practiced these strategies (and others created just for their situation) that helped them overcome the doubt they had in themselves.   If self-doubt is stopping you from reaching your business or personal goals then email me at  for a complimentary clarity session.

Want to know more about the complimentary clarity session and book your appointment on-line then go to: